Buzzing Bee Gone: What To Do About Different Types Of Bees On Your Property
Bees serve a very useful purpose, but they can also be a nuisance to homeowners. If you have small children or a bee sting allergy, you probably don't want to see a swarm of bees on or near your home. There are several steps you can take to get rid of your bee problem, but you'll need to know what type of bees you are dealing with first. Use this guide to help you decide how to approach bee removal on your property.
Yellow Jackets
Yellow jackets aren't a type of bee at all, but they are frequently mistaken for bees by homeowners. The yellow-and-black striped body closely resembles that of a honey bee, but the yellow is much brighter than what you see on bees. You can also identify yellow jacket wasps by their nests, which are completely enclosed in a paper-like material. You should not attempt to remove a yellow jacket nest on your own, as the wasps will become agitated and may attack. A pest control company can remove the nest for you.
Mason Bees
Mason bees look like a cross between a bee and a housefly. They do not have stripes on their abdomens, and they often have a blue or green coloring. These bees are not aggressive, and they typically nest underneath roofing shingles or in the mortar between bricks. Your pest control company can spray the nesting area to remove these bees, but you may find that you can live harmoniously with this type. They do not generally cause structural damage to your home.
Honey Bees
Honey bees are vital to our environment, and they are on the verge of becoming endangered. If you find a honey bee hive on your property, whether it is in a tree or a bush, the best thing to do is to leave it be. In rare cases, these bees may build a nest on your home. In this case, your pest control company will work with local beekeepers to remove the hive and relocate the bees. In the interests of preserving the environment, do not attempt to destroy the hive or exterminate the bees.
Bumble Bees
Bumble bees are one of the few types of bees that can truly be considered a nuisance. They are loud, and tend to nest wherever is convenient for them. This could be in your attic or garage, or even near the foundation of your home. Unlike other types of bees, bumble bees do not lose their stingers after an initial attack, so they can keep stinging you if they become aggressive. Your pest control expert will work with you to remove the nests and seal off any entrances to your home that bees can use to regain entry. Unless all the honey is completely removed from the nesting area, your home will continue to attract new bees.
No matter what type of bees or wasps you have near your home, it is not advisable to use repellent sprays on your own. All species become agitated if threatened, which can lead to painful attacks. The best way to approach a bee or wasp infestation is to observe the insects, look for where they live, and contact a pest control company that specializes in bee removal.
For more information, contact ASAP Bee Removal or a similar company.