3 Effective Control Tactics When Dealing With Bees For Homeowners

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3 Effective Control Tactics When Dealing With Bees For Homeowners

3 Effective Control Tactics When Dealing With Bees For Homeowners

16 January 2019
, Blog

Bees are beautiful to look at, but they can be a nuisance for homeowners. If you have a hive around your property, you'll want to take these control measures. They'll help you put a stop to your bee problem once and for all. 

Remove Hive 

One of the most effective ways to get rid of bees is to take their source of shelter away: their hive. You should only try doing this if you aren't allergic to bees, though. You don't just want to run up to this hive and yank it down. This will only agitate the bees inside and probably lead to a lot of stings.

Instead, you need to treat the hive with insecticides. These products will get rid of most of the bees, at least for a short enough time for you to go in and pull the hive down. Make sure you wear protective gloves when doing so, just in case there are straggler bees still inside. Then, place this hive far away from your property.

Seal Up Openings  

So that future bee hives don't show up on your property, you'll need to make a few adjustments. First and foremost, you need to make sure there aren't any cracks around your foundation. Bees can get inside these cracks and construct hives.

If you have a shed that has holes or structural imperfections, you'll need to seal them up as well. These simple adjustments will give bees no place to go around your property for hive creation. Just make sure all openings around your property are fully sealed. 

Hire a Pro Exterminator

If you don't want to get stung or are allergic to bees, then you'll certainly want to get help from a professional exterminator. They can quickly take care of your bee problem without any major issues occurring.

First, they'll identify the bee species on your property. They can then get the appropriate insecticide and treat the hive and surrounding structures. The hive will be removed promptly and then your property will be sprayed with repellent. It helps prevent future bee populations from developing. 

Finding a bee population around your home can cause you a lot of concern. Fortunately, these pests aren't that difficult to remove. You just need to follow the right control protocol and exercise extreme caution when around this insect species. Professionals are always standing by too if you need any assistance. 

For more information, reach out to companies like Agricultural Pest Control Services

About Me
Safe Pest Control Services

Welcome to my website. My name is Trina. I live in the country with my husband, our two children, two dogs, and three cats. I love country living with one exception... the pests! I am referring to wasps, stink bugs, and rodents. I don’t know why they don’t stay out in the woods, but they don’t. They seem to love our house. I was six months pregnant with our second child when we broke down and called a pest control service. The gentleman came out to talk to us, and I had many concerns. I was pregnant, we had a small child and our pets. The professional spent a great deal of time with us patiently explaining about the products they use in and around homes. I would like to share what we learned, and why we now have pest control service for our home.