Pros And Cons Of Termite Bait Systems

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Pros And Cons Of Termite Bait Systems

Pros And Cons Of Termite Bait Systems

21 September 2020
, Blog

One of the biggest things to watch out for as a homeowner is the invasion of termites. These unwanted pests can come in and destroy your house from the the inside out. There have been several attempts over the years to eliminate termites, but one of the most successful options is using a termite bait system. While this is not always 100% effective at stopping the problem, it does dramatically reduce the threat of termite invasion. Like any pest control approach, there are several pros and cons to consider when using a termite bait system.

Pro - One-Time Installation

Your local pest control contractor can discuss several different options with you to protect your home against termites, but many of these are very expensive and require yearly maintenance or a reapplication of product to keep your home termite-free. A termite bait system is installed one time and does not require future replacements. The pest control business will send a crew member out to check the bait system to see if any termites have been caught. If they are in the bait system, then they will treat your home as necessary. If the termite bait system is empty, then you are free from an infestation and can continue regular life as normal.

Con - Might Not Catch the Termites

The only way a termite bait system can work for you is if the termites actually make it to the bait system to begin with. There are few occasions where you might still experience a termite infestation and your bait systems will not be touched at all. In these instances, your pest control company will help discuss options to make sure your home is protected and the termites are killed as soon as possible.

Pro - Good for the Environment

The use of termite bait systems is a great way to stay environmentally friendly while treating your home for potential termite invasion. Many approaches for pest control use a spray product that can pollute the air and make an unsafe breathing conditions for sensitive groups. With a termite bait system, there is not any product on the grass or around your home, eliminating the dangerous chemicals that are released into the air.

Con - Can Be Expensive

Having a pest control company install and regularly check your termite bait stations several times a year can be an expensive process for you as a homeowner. While it is important to protect your home from termite invasion, you need to be prepared for the cost associated with the service. 

About Me
Safe Pest Control Services

Welcome to my website. My name is Trina. I live in the country with my husband, our two children, two dogs, and three cats. I love country living with one exception... the pests! I am referring to wasps, stink bugs, and rodents. I don’t know why they don’t stay out in the woods, but they don’t. They seem to love our house. I was six months pregnant with our second child when we broke down and called a pest control service. The gentleman came out to talk to us, and I had many concerns. I was pregnant, we had a small child and our pets. The professional spent a great deal of time with us patiently explaining about the products they use in and around homes. I would like to share what we learned, and why we now have pest control service for our home.