
Are you pregnant, have a small child, a pet at home, or just concerned in general about pest control services? Click here to learn about it.


It’s An Emergency! 4 Steps To Keep Mice Out Of Your Food Storage

7 July 2016
, Blog

If you're preparing for emergency situations by having a readily available storage of food, you want to protect it as best you can. That protection includes safeguarding it against rodent invasion. Unfortunately, mice will go to great lengths to make a meal out of just about anything. Don't give up. With a few simple steps, you can keep rodents out of your food storage. Switch to Plastic Even if you've never seen a mouse in your house, they're going to come out of the woodwork as soon as you store a big bag of wheat in your attic.
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Keeping Mice Away From Your Barbecue Grill This Summer

27 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you had experienced mouse troubles around or within your home in the past, and you intend on using a grill to fire up some barbecued food this summer, you will want to take a few steps to ensure your grill does not become a feasting ground for small rodents. Since mice tend to hang out in areas where food is present, your grill is a prime target for becoming a mouse home during summer months.
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Steps To Eliminate Cockroaches From Your Home

20 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Although the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that cockroaches (Blattaria dictyoptera) are not known to transmit diseases, they are an allergen source that can be a danger for anyone living with asthma. Should you spot a cockroach, or find evidence of them in your home, take immediate action to eliminate them. This is especially important since these pests are known for their rapid reproduction.  Deny Them a Source of Food
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3 Types Of Venomous Spiders To Be On The Lookout For

18 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

For the most part, spiders are mainly harmless. In fact, they can help rid your home or garden of actual pests that can do real damage. However, this isn't necessarily always the case. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn about just a few spider types that can transmit a venomous toxin. If you believe that your home is carrying one of these spider types, it is best to get a hold of the services of a professional spider exterminator as soon as possible.
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You Have Choices When It Comes To Pest Control

18 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Pest control can be a fight throughout the entire year. The type of pests and the most effective way to get rid of them can vary throughout the year. There are so many different types of pests that an entire books could be written on how to best take care of them. However, this article is going to list a few of the different options that can effectively and safely get rid of the pests.
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About Me
Safe Pest Control Services

Welcome to my website. My name is Trina. I live in the country with my husband, our two children, two dogs, and three cats. I love country living with one exception... the pests! I am referring to wasps, stink bugs, and rodents. I don’t know why they don’t stay out in the woods, but they don’t. They seem to love our house. I was six months pregnant with our second child when we broke down and called a pest control service. The gentleman came out to talk to us, and I had many concerns. I was pregnant, we had a small child and our pets. The professional spent a great deal of time with us patiently explaining about the products they use in and around homes. I would like to share what we learned, and why we now have pest control service for our home.