
Are you pregnant, have a small child, a pet at home, or just concerned in general about pest control services? Click here to learn about it.


Keeping Mice From Getting Inside Of Your Home

25 April 2023
, Blog

If you recently moved to an area where wildlife is abundant, you likely have concerns about the prospect of mice getting inside your home. Being diligent about pest control tactics can help stop rodents from succeeding. Follow these steps to minimize the chance of a mouse problem. Take Care Of Outdoor Attractions  If you have features on your land that mice consider attractive, they will stick around and potentially get inside your home at some point.
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Signs You Need To Call A Termite Exterminator

17 March 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Termites are sneaky. They can eat away at the wood in a home for years without the homeowners realizing it. Luckily, if you know the signs of a termite infestation, you are much less likely to overlook their presence. The following are the most common, yet sometimes subtle, signs that you need to call a termite exterminator. Crumbling and Damaged Wood Some species of termites eat into the wood from the outside.
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Worried About Radon Gas In Your Home Home? Test And Mitigate Today To Be Safe

15 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

There are many problems that you can't easily see or detect, like radon. Radon is a radioactive gas that will seep into your home from the earth and is most commonly detected in the basement or in areas closest to the ground. This gas can cause lung cancer and other health complications, and if you have never had your home tested, this is something you'll want to do today. Here are some of the things that should do right away.
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Carpenter Ants: A Homeowners Guide

28 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Most ants are annoying but harmless. When you discover an ant or two in your kitchen or bathroom, you typically don't have any reason to be alarmed. A big exception to this rule, however, is carpenter ants. If you notice any of these pests in your home, you need to take action immediately. This article offers homeowners a brief guide for dealing with the threat of carpenter ants. Identification The first step in dealing with an infestation is to make sure that you have correctly identified the carpenter ants.
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Three Warning Signs Your Yard Has A Sod Webworm Infestation

1 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Noticing frequent dead or brown patches on your lawn can be disappointing as a homeowner. If you start noticing these patches, there is a likely chance that you have a pest infestation. These pests are commonly known as sod webworms. They are lawn-damaging caterpillars that appear as tiny brown moths and are a common nuisance to homeowners. Although they are often unnoticeable, these sod webworms may destroy large portions of your lawn if left unchecked.
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About Me
Safe Pest Control Services

Welcome to my website. My name is Trina. I live in the country with my husband, our two children, two dogs, and three cats. I love country living with one exception... the pests! I am referring to wasps, stink bugs, and rodents. I don’t know why they don’t stay out in the woods, but they don’t. They seem to love our house. I was six months pregnant with our second child when we broke down and called a pest control service. The gentleman came out to talk to us, and I had many concerns. I was pregnant, we had a small child and our pets. The professional spent a great deal of time with us patiently explaining about the products they use in and around homes. I would like to share what we learned, and why we now have pest control service for our home.