
Are you pregnant, have a small child, a pet at home, or just concerned in general about pest control services? Click here to learn about it.


Freeze Out Your Bed Bugs

3 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Bed bugs are known for being difficult to get rid of because they are resistant to a lot of pesticides. As such, buying bug spray from the store is generally not the best idea because it won't be effective on the bugs, and you'll spray toxic chemicals throughout your home. That's not good since you'll have to treat your bedroom heavily because that's where the bugs tend to concentrate. Although an exterminator has access to stronger chemicals, there might be a better way to handle your problem, and that is with frozen carbon dioxide or dry ice.
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5 Things You Need To Know About Ant Mimic Spiders

2 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Ant mimic spiders are a type of spider that can be easily mistaken for ants. Here are five things you need to know about them. What do they look like? At first glance, ant mimic spiders look like large, black ants. They are between 5 and 10 mm long and are black with whitish-cream markings. They have eight legs, like other spiders, but they hold their front pair of legs up in the air and wave them around to make them look like an ant's antennae.
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Visually Impaired? 5 Tips To Recognize The Early Warning Signs Of Termites

2 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Finding termite damage early on can be hard if you are visually impaired. Fortunately, you can feel for clues as well as listen out for a few things. Here are five tips on how to recognize the early warning signs of termite infestation for the visually impaired.  1. Feel for Fecal Pellets Termites do not dispose of their fecal matter or also known as frass. They let it rest outside of the wood.
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Buzzing Bee Gone: What To Do About Different Types Of Bees On Your Property

2 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Bees serve a very useful purpose, but they can also be a nuisance to homeowners. If you have small children or a bee sting allergy, you probably don't want to see a swarm of bees on or near your home. There are several steps you can take to get rid of your bee problem, but you'll need to know what type of bees you are dealing with first. Use this guide to help you decide how to approach bee removal on your property.
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About Me
Safe Pest Control Services

Welcome to my website. My name is Trina. I live in the country with my husband, our two children, two dogs, and three cats. I love country living with one exception... the pests! I am referring to wasps, stink bugs, and rodents. I don’t know why they don’t stay out in the woods, but they don’t. They seem to love our house. I was six months pregnant with our second child when we broke down and called a pest control service. The gentleman came out to talk to us, and I had many concerns. I was pregnant, we had a small child and our pets. The professional spent a great deal of time with us patiently explaining about the products they use in and around homes. I would like to share what we learned, and why we now have pest control service for our home.